Third Sector Networking in European Funding
Third Sector European Funding WebsiteWho we are
The Taula del Tercer Sector (Table of Third Sector Social Organizations – Third Sector Platform of Catalonia) is the main third sector-umbrella organization in Catalonia. We provide a meeting point and a platform for collective action to 35 federations and networks of NGOs representing more than 3.000 non-profit organizations from all over Catalonia.
Why did we create this website?
The Third Sector Platform of Catalonia promotes useful tools to strengthen the third sector and to foster social innovation and resilience. Access to funding (and especially European funds) is essential to improve care, mentoring and support offered to people at risk of social exclusion.
European funds also offer an opportunity to generate knowledge, forge new alliances, enhance the visibility of projects and foster social innovation.
Third Sector Networking in European Funding
Third Sector European Funding WebsiteThe Board of Third Social Sector Entities of Catalonia is the institution that defends social and labour rights in a bid to strengthen the sector. It brings together 35 federations and major organisations that encompass more than 3,000 Catalan social entities that work to combat poverty, exclusion and inequalities.
Why did we create the website?
The Third Sector Board promotes the tools that the sector needs to become more recognised, stronger and more innovative. Funding and especially access to European funds are essential to improve the care, mentoring and support offered to people in a situation of and/or at risk of social exclusion. European funds are an opportunity to generate new knowledge, forge new alliances and give projects more visibility, and they are also a source of constant innovation.
Latest updates
Relevant information on EU funding opportunities for third sector organizations
EU Funds and Next Generation Calls
European Funding: An opportunity for social organizations
Conference on the "Citizenship, Equality, Rights and Values" EU Progams
Posem-li cara al mite dels fons europeus
Jesús Delgado: "Social organizations must lose their fear to participate in European projects"
Conference on the "Erasmus+" and "European Solidarity Corps" EU Programs
Conference on the "Citizenship, Equality, Rights and Values" EU Program
What types of content will you find in this website?
Information on relevant EU funding opportunities
Resources and technical advice to improve your chance of success
Search engine feature

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